Category Archives: Abundance

Eradicating Poverty in our Lifetime

Rev Dr Irene Goldberg MiNDTV taping Eradicating PovertyWelcome fellow earthlings.  I was asked to speak last week on the possibility of eradicating poverty in my lifetime! I evaluated poverty from many angles until I saw poverty as a state of mind; a mindset, poor in spirit, lacking love and light, lacking vision, struggling to be unconditionally loving, full of pain — physically, mentally and spiritually.

All the while, as the Earth slowly shifts on her axis, a new dawn, a new era, a new vibration is occurring around us– an evolution of sorts on many fronts– where Love and Light prevail with abundance, ease, and joy.  Herein is the opening to eradicating poverty in my lifetime.

  • Are you with me?
  • Are you ready to take a stand to participate fully in eradicating poverty?
  • Will you be among the species that not only survives the energetic shift that’s occurring but thrives and fulfills the Age of Aquarius?

Here is the prayer I invoked at the completion of the interview. Please anchor the declaration within yourself by tapping your collarbone or wrist or anywhere on your body as you read it. If you can, read it aloud.

Let us pray.  Mother Father God-Creator, Universal Source, All Beings of Good, we call you in with gratitude and thanks.

We, beings of the human sort, acknowledge we have served poverty far too long . . .

  • poverty of Love has left us in lack, barren of hope and faith,
  • poverty of Spirit has left us struggling, struggling for identity and purpose, disconnected from Spirit & our Soul purpose,
  • poverty of our Physical Body and Mind have left us pain-filled with unexpressed emotions, past-based and current , of regret, homesickness, frustration, anger, grief…

O’ Spirit, we co-creators avail ourselves to the wisdom of Universal Source, and ask it to free us from lack struggle and pain that has been the underpinnings of poverty for centuries, millennia.

We declare that we are One with Source and reorient ourselves to speak, live and give from our Soul’s purpose… to bring Love where it is missing, Light where there is darkness.

We now take our true path, the path of connectedness, back home to Oneness with Universal Source, as Co-Creators, arising anew in the paradigm of Abundance Ease and Joy.

  • And so we give thanks, O’ Spirit, for the release of all previous vows of poverty, ours and our ancestors… of lack struggle and pain—they are rescinded, recanted, renounced, deconstructed, uncreated.
  • And so we give thanks O’ Spirit, as we align, choose, re-invest ourselves, our energies, our thinking, our hopes and dreams, as One with Universal Source, All Knowing, All Wise, to thrive in the new paradigm, the energies of Abundance Ease and Joy.
  • And so we give thanks O’ Spirit Source of All that Is, forevermore, we shall live in this budding Age of Aquarius, as affluent, sufficient, full of grace, love and joy, having what is ours to enjoy to overflowing onto our families, communities, societies and Gaia herself.

And So together we say,

So Be It,   It is so, we declare the eradication of poverty.  Amen.

Are we doomed to suffering in lack, struggle and pain; or do we dare raise our vibrations for love and light to be expressed as abundance, ease and joy??

I opt to stand in the new paradigm of loving and light with abundance, ease and joy. Otherwise, we have not learned enough from the past. The past tells us that hatred only brings retribution and more hate; violence only begets violent responses. Its time has come for hatred to fade into oblivion never to surface again. That’s a game worth playing.

This past Sunday, with the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, CA and Paris, France still stinging our psyches, my dear friend, Barbara asked me, “As a minister, what do you see is needed to affect change among our leaders and communities to stop bad-mouthing the Islam religion and our Muslim neighbors? I now fear for their safety here.” She clearly wanted to spearhead solutions.

Being an interfaith minister, educated in many practices of faith, aligned with my Soul’s purpose in this human experience, I replied:

I’m thrilled you want to take action, for being in action is where we need to be at this time… sitting by will not work. We each have a role to play.

  • We must appeal to the clergy to educate, or rather re-educate, themselves and their congregations on the act of forgiveness and unity, declaring our Oneness, our same-ness, and commitments to resolution peacefully. We need to have discussions on honoring our differences, being tolerant of one another. We are a richly diverse world of human varieties, like a garden, rich and fertile with special gifts and talents. We can appreciate the garden with all the diversity, all the colors, heights, smells, tastes, value.   We must embrace differences in our humanness.
  • Our clergy leadership needs to come together in their communities for tolerance and social justice services and discussions… all faiths … and figure out how to expose their congregations to the other congregations in their communities. Christian, Jewish, Muslims, Buddhist, Hindus…  trading pulpits. Understanding and knowledge bring peace, while differences evoke fear…people need to see and align with one another. Our faiths may be practiced in different ways, and yet when you discover the truth about each faith, each religion, what’s underneath each is Love of God, Love of Family, Love of Country… Love of Self and on and on. We need to evaluate what importance we give love… what we give ourselves to without regret. It’s about being true to love that’s important to self, family and society.
  • We need more script writers, directors, producers who will make movies of solving human issues, peace, harmony, getting through the conversations to fulfillment, not killing off the problems (i.e.,people considered to be the problems). We need more TV that exposes people of different persuasions, religions, ethnic background to each other, for example Modern Family exposes us to gay marriage and adoption, multi-lingual family members, foreigners being welcomed in their home, sisters so unlike each other, jealousy, upsets …We can be entertained while being educated to laugh at all the bigotry, own our fear of others (racism). After a while (remember Archie Bunker), we awaken the clarity to see everyone as one family.
  • Our children need to know hatred is taught, starting at home. They see it in a bullying parent, brother or sister, abusive language, threatening … in some way disregarding human rights within the home…and school teachers need to be educated to discern problem children from children with problems and to reach out to their guidance counselors and special needs teachers to intervene for those children with problems (at home).
  • Our government officials need to curb their rhetoric about immigrants, tactics that separate and isolate foreigners here and those that want asylum … we need to hold the Press/Media to account for stirring hatred rather than tolerance. Moral values are wanted and needed.

I charged Barbara, you and everyone with standing for Love and Light:

  • Love heals everything;
  • We are the Light Bearers, champions of bringing Light where it is dark and Love where it is missing.
  • You are needed on the planet NOW…we are the ones, it will require you and me, NOW.

Yes, we must find and express our love to the idolizers of ISIS for the human beings they are, while NOT condoning what they are doing. They are misguided, trained through hatred and misinterpreting the sacred Koran. If you read the Bible, both Jewish and Christian editions, and the Koran, you have to see the similarities, the oneness that underlies them all.  We must be compassionate. These ISIS idolizers have grown up in an environment where their mothers, most women, are mistreated, not valued, subjugated. How can a mother love when love is unavailable to her to give to her husband and children. They live in darkness, they are loveless. This is where we can make the biggest difference. We must realize that any group, loving or hating, praying five times a day are a mighty force. IF WE HATE ISIS and their idolizers, we are adding hatred to the world, not love.

We must be the light bearers, the lovers of love and from our desks, from our prayer chairs, from our social media posts, we can make the biggest difference. WE CAN LOVE OUR ENEMIES.


I told Barbara that I sit every morning on my balcony, 18 floors above the Delaware and Christina Rivers, overlooking Wilmington, DE, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I pray for peace within every heart I touch. I sing for peace, harmony and tolerance. I demand my forgiveness of others and myself. I stand for Oneness and Love. I am the Light Bearer. Every day, my Spirit, my voice goes out freely to touch the hearts of the infidels, as well as the seekers of peace. I know that this is my niche, my kingdom to safeguard.

I asked Barbara to take whatever actions are hers to take. And I asked her to love the enemies of loving and light.

Now it’s your turn… what actions will you take. Doing nothing at this time is not acceptable. Light your inner candle and blast your neighborhood with love and light. You are the warriors of peace and humanity’s healing. I bow to you. I applaud you. Thank you for listening.

Dr. Irene is a licensed modern minister, standing for all faiths, all sects of religious piety. She counsels individuals and groups on being the Soul’s purpose to bring light where there is darkness and love where it is missing in everyday experiences and challenges. Being divine is aligning with the Creator, we are the co-creator, let’s create harmony, peace and joy.



Being Divine in Everyday Experiences and Challenges?? Siblings… Family

Oh Goody! Thanksgiving is coming. Christmas Holidays are just ahead. And all the family issues are beginning to surface. “I hope I won’t have to sit next to Uncle Joe, he’s a bit grabby.” “I wonder if Riva will be there, oh I hope she goes to her family this year.” The scenarios come tumbling out of our heads without prompting.

Family, what a wonderful learning ground for being human, being a divine being having a human experience. My original family circle has been a continuous learning experience for me. I’ve discovered that siblings can trigger us back to being 4 years old, 14 years old, as easily as a snort at Thanksgiving dinner or the usual outburst at the annual family Christmas/Hanukkah /Kwanzaa gathering (I can’t seem to call it a “celebration.”). Why is it that family members mostly sees us as our younger selves. Why don’t we let go of grudges or disappointments (we can tap them away). Siblings (including siblings-in-law) can be the most taxing, irritating, unfulfilled relationships we have. And the most fulfilling, invigorating, joy-filled ones as well.

The reverberations of sisterhood                                                                                          Keep in mind, being divine in everyday experiences and challenges is a promise, a journey, not an outcome. Each day I learn what it means to honor Soul, and accept this life as Her opportunity to have the human experience.

In July 2008, within weeks of earning a Doctorate of Divinity, in Interdisciplinary Studies, my sister called me very upset. The telephone conversation ended abruptly when she pronounced, “I never want to speak to you again, you’re dead to me” in response to what I shall never really know. Given little dialogue occurred, I was given few clues as to what had triggered my sister’s final words before I heard the dial tone. I felt a missing… a missing sister, for good or bad, she was and is my sister. The absence affected me these last 7 years as I have been discovering what a Dr. of Divinity is, how she be’s, wonders, stands for herself and others; who a Master of Love and Light could be, as I have expanded into being “Physician of the Soul”.

And there was also the ‘vow’ I took sixty-six years ago, when my mom placed my baby sister in my arms, she said, “Irene, you must promise to look after your sister always and in all ways.” “Yes, Mother, I will.” I took that role seriously. What was I supposed to do now that she severed our bond of sisterhood. I prayed, I forgave myself and I forgave her–over and over again, and then some more. I prayed for healing.

Gratitude forborrowed benefits, EFT “tapping” with my client                   October 17, 2015, the morning of a wedding celebration my entire family was attending that evening, my client came to session presenting with prostate issues and a huge financial goal to achieve before his fiscal year’s end. The treatment I provided centered on the pelvis area where both the First Chakra, energetically known as the family of origin center/including membership in one’s work family, and the Second Chakra, energetically known as the sexual center of the human body, in my client’s case, intercourse as in negotiation, mutual contemplation, collaboration with his new partners, reside.

I said, “Ready to relieve this old pattern.” “Yes, I’m ready,” client. said. “Good”, I said, “Let’s tap through the issues you’ve revealed in our session. How wouId you rate the pressure 0-10?” He said, “8”. I said, “Repeat after me:

“Karate Chop Even Though I have this pressure in my pelvis, I deeply love and honor where I am at. Even Though I have this meeting next week to report on my division’s efforts with the new partners and the pressure in my pelvis is a concern, I deeply honor my process. Even Though I want more time in the field which would require me to renew my assistant’s contract for which I need the new partners’ endorsement, I feel pressure, and I deeply and completely honor my self and my needs.

Eyebrow        the pressure
Side of Eyes the pressure in my pelvis
Under Eyes   I need this assistant to stay on through the year, I feel pressured. I insist.
Under Nose I need the new partners to get my value and needs
Chin                  I’m not used to fighting for what I want, but I might have to.
Collarbone   This pressure in my pelvis, my lower back
Under Arms  Oh the pressure
Top of Head   I feel pressure through my chest, stomach and pelvis.”

“Good, now breathe deeply and if the pressure hasn’t slipped below 3-4 – let’s repeat the above series [changing the wording as needed to attend all my client’s concerns and issues]. Okay, it’s 3 or less, repeat after me:

Eyebrow        I am ready to release the pressure in my first & second Chakras
Side of Eyes  I am ready to release any fears I have
Under Eyes   I am ready to state my case and get what I need to be successful in this family
Under Nose  I am ready to release any harm my thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, points-of-view,past experiences have rendered me at the effect of this pressure, what is it speaking to me
Chin                I am listening, yes, I am one with my self, I am one with my family, I am one with my work family
Collarbone   I am a respected, honored partner, participant
Under Arms I release all concerns and abandon fears of lack, struggle, pain and suffering
Top of Head  I take on my role as Love and Light, being Abundance, Ease and Joy with all whom I interact with [work and home] family.

Eyebrow        I am Soul Purposed to bring love where it is missing and light where it is dark. My ego/personality works in support of my Soul
Side of Eyes  I am One with All.
Under Eyes   I am One with Universal Source
Under Nose  I am one with family
Chin                  I am One with my partners
Collarbone   My well being is whole, complete
Under Arms I negotiate powerfully, and I am honored
Top of Head I stand for the best will be done

“Good, now put your hands on your Heart Chakra and repeat a prayer of gratitude…” My client. left my office absent of pressure, relaxed.

Once alone, I noticed pressure in my own pelvis– sharp and radiating. I’m often affected by tapping I do at sessions. So I knew something powerful was at play. It almost took my breath away. I breathed into it as it spread like an orgasm radiating through my pelvis. I had no time to process it, I had to prepare for the evening ahead. Gratitude to my client, I had obviously shifted something that would be revealed in time.

When you are free, anything is possible.                                                                                     My sister and I were cordial upon seeing each other after the marriage ceremony. Obligatory hugs were exchanged and a few words spoken.

Although we were at the “family table” I purposely sat too far to talk. During dinner the bride’s younger sister gave a heart-felt toast sharing how precious their sister-moments had been over their lifetime. It made me yearn for my sister. Later in the evening I had come off the dance floor to catch my breath when my sister slipped into the chair next to me. I instantly snuggled closer. She moved in closer too encircling her arms around me. I held back tears as she began to speak from her heart for the first time in 7 years. With love and respect, she talked and talked, sharing about the pattern that had driven her way. She professed her honor for me as her big sister, as a fellow human traveler grappling with being human. It was the truce I had hoped for, a “Hallelujah” moment captured by the wedding photographer and noticed by other family members in the room. I was elated.

Patterns of Limiting Beliefs                                                                                                       Every Soul takes a human body within a family unit, each with its own dramas, traumas, tragedies, comedies, joy, laughs and pains. The Ego/Personality is only interested in our individual survival. Many events may trigger a pattern, your parents, grandparents, great great great…well you know where I’m going with this… an old family patterns leave us responding as a child would.

Getting free of patterns is the key to living in harmony, peace and joy.              But getting to their roots ain’t easy. Patterns link within our brain’s network of synapses, attaching to cultural, familial, religious limiting [false] beliefs which can be triggered very easily. Unexpressed, repressed, depressed emotions keep them in place. Once we’re triggered, something relays through the brain to an earlier similar event, emotion or feeling, fear-based in the old paradigm of lack, struggle, pain and suffering. Love goes missing, darkness prevails.

Thank goodness, my sis called a truce, opening her arms to me, and I’m thrilled. Hurray. Yet that action also unconcealed what I had been silent to for all those years. Following the truce, I spent three days crying, weeping, sobbing at times, running a fever off and on. I centered in on whisking the patterns to smithereens. Seeing the untruths my ego/personality insisted I should “know” about myself, beliefs that made me doubt myself as a Master of Love and Light. As a doctor of divinity, having a part of myself stuck in the sisterhood patterns has had its impact on my self expression and has broadened my wisdom. Owning Soul Purpose is to know we might hit some bumps in the road and they will provide the greatest lessons of all.

So let’s face it. Look at the bigger picture…our world family We get triggered. We get upset. We could even disappear these patterns but don’t. People are too used to declaring war with someone within their family unit, network of friends, some aspect within community (police!), some country we disagree on oil rights. Aren’t we always reacting to conditions we’ve inherited and accepted as our own? Some patterns may be two centuries or more old. So why wage war at all? Some will say, “It’s part of the human factor.” Maybe it’s time to stop and question that motive.

• War is not a conclusion, it is a choice to live by the old paradigm of lack, struggle, pain and suffering.
• Opt for partnership, oneness, being whole and complete as part of Universal Source.
• Own the patterns of ego/personality, the human survival mechanism that argues against Soul’s purpose to have you be the best YOU you can be.
• Commit to being a masterful divine human. Commit to practice eliminating patterns.
• Engage the Ego/Personality to act in harmony with the Soul, taking if off MUTE.
• Unmute and listen to the Soul messages… Spirit awaits you.
• There is always Tapping to untangle the network of connections..

I’d love to hear your comments.
From Love and Light, anything and everything is possible. Blessings, Irene

Contact Info
We each have a golden opportunity to express our Soul’s intention to bring love where it is missing and light where it is dark and living this human experience and its challenges with abundance, ease and joy.

Dr. Irene resides in Wilmington DE with her beloved husband, Steve and their cat, Jai Jai as in Om Jai Jai Sai Maa (I honor the divine in you and me). Dr. Irene does client sessions and group sessions in person or by phone or Skype. For an initial free consultation, please email her at or text/cell 267-456-4156. The initial inquiry is 30 minutes. You get to choose having an unconditionally loving and nurturing Mother addressing your road blocks to your highest good being realized.